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Thursday, 28 September 2017

Lab 1 Revisit John Snow's Map 1854 using QGIS - Geovisualization (GLS 688)

    John Snow (15 March 1813 – 16 June 1858) was an English physician and a leader in the adoption of anaesthesia and medical hygiene. He is considered one of the fathers of modern epidemiology, in part because of his work in tracing the source of a cholera outbreak in Soho, London, in 1854. His findings inspired fundamental changes in the water and waste systems of London, which led to similar changes in other cities, and a significant improvement in general public health around the world.

     This QGIS tutorial walks through a John Snow's famous cholera investigation in Soho with a 3D surface using Qgis2threejs plug-in, raster creation tools and Spatial Analyst. There are multiple sources for the similar data used in this presentation, including data compiled by Robin Wilson.

Download Data Link :

Procedure :

Final Result :
