Friday 27 January 2017

Lab 4a Aerial Triangulation - Advanced Photogrammetry (GLS 615)

  Aerial triangulation is a mathematical process of establishing precise and accurate relationships between the images coordinate system and defined datum and projection on the ground. The main objective of aerial triangulation is to produce from ground control point and any other sufficient points in the photogrammetric model to make sure for each model can be oriented accurately as required for stereopair compilation in either orthophoto or line mapping. The process uses all possible overlaps image with a few number of reference points. There are mainly three stages of aerial triangulation, one of them is preparation by making point identification of ground control point, numbering of points, images and strips, and the flight details such as photo coordinate, camera calibration and scanned or digital images. Second, Interior orientation is important to relate aerial image to the object on the ground which used to determine the fiducial marks measurement for cameras. Then, relative orientation is made followed by block adjustment where it includes algorithm for determination of blunders and error propagation.

Software used:


My report and procedure:

Lab 4a Aerial Triangulation

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Advanced Engineering Surveying (GLS 558) Syllabus Notes

     This syllabus is focused more on the operation of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), deformation survey and  alignment of roads or road curves which designed based on the relationship between the design speed and curvature related with side friction and super elevation. The objective of this topic is to give an understanding the concept of GPR operating principle when handling the equipment during the observation. It gives a proper method to do the deformation and the objectives of this type of surveying as well as the importance of it in engineering concept. Other than that, it also provides the different type of road curve calculation based on the different angle is given. The notes for this syllabus are as follows:- 

Lecture Notes :
  1. Ground Penetrating Radar
  2. Deformation Survey
  3. Triangulation and Trilateration
  4. Managing Design
  5. The Design of Highway Alignments
  6. Horizontal Alignment
  7. Geometric Design
  8. Geometric Highway Design - Spiral Curve

Lab work and Practical :

Cadastral Surveying 3 (SUG 310) Syllabus Notes

   This syllabus includes control survey for cadastral work, strata title survey, stratum title survey, a survey using the total station system, Cadastral Data Base System (SPDK), survey for township including building and industrial land, Director General of Survey and Mapping Circulars and current issues. The objective is to explain and describe the various cadastral control survey regarding cadastral survey work and procedures as practiced in Malaysia. Next, it conduct and operate the various cadastral control surveys methods in cadastral surveying. It also be able to choose a proper method to do the observations in cadastral surveying.

Lecture Notes :
  1. Control and Standard Survey
  2. Control Survey for Cadastral Work
  3. Survey Frame
  4. Strata Title Survey
  5. Strata
  6. Strata Title Scheme
  7. Unit Share
  8. Strata Application
  9. Subdivision of Buildings - Division and Amalgamation of Parcels
  10. Commissioner of Building, Joint Management Body and Management Cooperation
  11. Application for Subdivision of a Building or Land
  12. Strata Plan
  13. Preparation of Layout Plan
  14. Field to Finish (F2F) Concept
  15. Stratum - Disposal of Underground Land

Sunday 8 January 2017

Spatial Analysis & Management in GIS (SUG 335) Syllabus Notes

   This syllabus will expose  to various types of data analysis available in GIS and how GIS can be used as analytical modeling tools to solve various applications. It will provide the understanding on various data of analysis types and operations available in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as well as the differences between analysis based on vector and raster data. Additionally, it also may gives a general idea of how analytical modeling can be carried out in GIS and the way the spatial model can be used in various applications. This might help on how a GIS project be designed and managed.

Lecture Notes : 
  1. Introduction to Spatial Analysis
  2. Common GIS Tools
  3. Map Overlay
  4. Surface Analysis
  5. Network Analysis
  6. Analytical Modelling in GIS

Fundamental of Geographical Information System (SUG 332) Syllabus Notes

    This syllabus introduces  the basic concept of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and its utility in geospatial disciplines. It will be equipped with the basic skills on operating the basic GIS functions and exposed to the fundamentals step in constructing a basic GIS database. This will provide an understanding of GIS fundamentals elements. Furthermore, it will apply knowledge and skills to operate a GIS software as well as developing a basic GIS database using GIS software. 

Lecture Notes :
  1. Concept and Principle of GIS
  2. Geographical Data Concept
  3. Hardware and Software
  4. GIS Data Sources, Collection and Integration
  5. Building the GIS Database
  6. GIS Database Development
  7. Application of GIS
  8. The Future of GIS

Geodetic Studies (SUG 270) Syllabus Notes

What is Geodesy?

     Geodesy is the science of the measurement and mapping of the earth’s surface as well as concerned with the exact positioning of points on the surface of the Earth. It also involves the study of variations of the Earth’s gravity, the application of these variations to exact measurements on the Earth, and the study of the exact size and shape of the Earth. Geodesy plays an active role in the geomatics that includes the disciplines of land surveying, photogrammetry, remote sensing, hydrographic surveying, cartography, engineering surveying, geographic information science, and geospatial computing.

Madam Adila's Notes :
  1. Introduction and Reference Surfaces in Geodesy
  2. Computation on Ellipsoid
  3. Coordinates System in Malaysia
  4. Satellite Positioning Technology
  5. Basic Statistic

En Najib's Notes :

Advanced Geodesy (GLS 611) Syllabus Notes

    This syllabus introduces the students to the latest technology in surveying data acquisition and data processing for control surveying purposes. The course gives an extends on students knowledge on positioning methodology and coordinate transformation software. It consists of Physical Geodesy and Satellite Geodesy. The first section covers the study of the physical properties of the gravity field and its geodetic applications. The second section of the course focuses on positioning from artificial Earth's satellite. This syllabus will provide an understanding on the basic concepts of physical geodesy and extend the knowledge into surveying and mapping. Additionally, it will have sufficient theoretical and practical background of space positioning techniques.

Lecture Notes :
  • Physical Geodesy
  1. Overview of Physical Geodesy
  2. The Gravity Field of Earth
  3. Anomalous Gravity Field, Geoid Undulation, and Deflection of Vertical
  4. Gravity Measurement and Reduction
  5. Heights Above Sea Levels
  6. Potential of Sphere

Lab 5 Accuracy Assessment - Remote Sensing (GLS 612)

    Accuracy assessment is performed by comparing the two different maps created from remote sensing analysis to a reference map based on the different source. The important of accuracy assessment and error analysis is to permit the quantitative comparisons of different interpretations. In order to compared, the map need to be evaluated and the reference map, both must be accurately registered geometrically to each other. They also must use the same classification scheme and they should have been classified at the same level of detail. This type of assessment is called site-specific accuracy which is based on a comparison of the two maps at specific location for example; individual pixels in two digital images. In this type of comparison, it is clearly that the degree to which the pixels in one image spatially align with the pixels in the second image contributes to the accuracy assessment result. Errors in classification should be distinguished from errors in registration or positioning of boundaries. Another useful form of site-specific accuracy assessment is to compare field data or training data at a number of locations within the image, similar to the way spatial accuracy assessment using ground checkpoints is performed for digital orthophotos and terrain models.

My Lab 5 Report :

Lab 5 Accuracy Assessment (GLS 612)

Hands On Test (Georeferencing and Spatial Adjustment) - Geographic Information System (GLS 613)

    This hands-on test were focused more on Georeferencing and Spatial Adjustment using ArcGIS software. By providing a raster map image and spatial data, we were suppose to do these operations by using GIS tools with the guidance of manual step-by-step in those two analyses. After the operation is completed, we were supposed to answer the question on the question paper.

Sofware Used :

ArcGIS 10.4

Question and Spatial Data :

Report and Answers :