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Saturday, 10 December 2016

HydroPRO Nav V2.2

The HYDROpro Navigation software operates on Windows operating systems. It provides an easy to understand graphical interface and flexible configuration that enables immediate gain with minimal training. The software supports multiple sensor inputs, ranging from heading sensors to tide gauges and echosounders. Combined with Trimble’s DGPS, RTK, or Total Stations it provides precise 3D positioning in real-time.

The HYDROpro Navigation software uses advanced time-stamping techniques for precise data synchronization. All data is stored in a single Microsoft Access database file to allow for more efficient file management activities.

The software’s flexible operation provides multiple ‘steerby’ capability, allowing guidance of multiple vessels and offsets to multiple guidance objects such as targets, lines, or routes. Guidance between mobile vessels is available. Any number of vessels can be monitored from a single location or across a network. Background files can be displayed graphically to show position in relation to guidance objects, coastal features, and so on. All of the displays, including the Remote Helmsman display, are available on seperate screens throughout a vessel.

Download Link :

Installation Guide : 

  1. Unzip the file
  2. Under HydroPRO folder run Autorun.exe
  3. Click Install HydroPRO and Utilities

Manual Instruction :

Procedure and Work Flow :

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