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Friday, 9 December 2016

Resurvey Lot Using Title Survey Module (TSM) - Advanced Cadastral Surveying (GLS559)

Resurvey is a term used when a cadastral survey is carry out on a previously surveyed lot. Reasons for resurvey are to upgrade the quality of previous survey, to re-establish the position of missing boundary marks, to meet the requirement of Sec 353 NLC – natural boundary and boundary dispute etc. A resurvey is a reconstruction of land boundaries and subdivisions accomplished by rerunning re- marking the lines represented in the field-note record or on the plat of a previous official survey. The field-note record of the resurvey includes a description of the technical manner in which the resurvey was made, full reference to recovered evidence of the previous survey or surveys, and a complete description of the work performed and monuments established. The resurvey, like an original survey, is subject to approval of the directing authority. Actions that can be taken in resurvey are new lot number will be allocated, missing or out of position marks are to be replaced or refixed and new Certified Plan to be drawn.

Software Used :

TSM Module

TSM Module Manual :

Our Report and Certified Plan :

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