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Friday, 9 December 2016

Manual to Title Survey Module (TSM) - Advanced Cadastral Surveying (GLS559)

Title Survey Module (TSM) is the one programming that we use to gather the cadastral field information. This product comprises of a couple module and equipment. This product created to meet the necessity of cadastral survey. As we probably aware, the cadastral survey in Malaysia has developed quickly. The fundamental of this product is MapInfo programming where it has been altered for use on Tablet PCs, Flash Card GPS and Total Station. TSM utilizes started in 2002 when the Department of Survey and Mapping actualized the "field to finish" or F2F. TSM is utilized to gather survey data information in the field completely automated. No longer utilizing a manual booking. Perfect with the idea of F2F which is the title survey framework is a coordinated automatic to the final output without causing a considerable measure of redundancy in the work. At the point when utilizing the TSM, the error will minimize. This product is likewise deliberately on the grounds that all the survey data information will be recorded. The procedure of works additionally we can see unmistakably on the grounds that every one of the information has been noted time and date. No mistakes should be possible by the surveyor.

Manual on Toughbook and Title Survey Module :

  1. Toughbook Care Guide
  2. Introduction to Toughbook and TSM
  3. Topo Detail Observation and Offset
  4. Processing Data
  5. Base Line Computation
  6. Issue in TSM Traverse
  7. Manual C and M Correction in TSM
  8. Folder System in TSM
  9. No Mark Postion

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