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Monday, 3 April 2017

Trimble NavEdit Program @ HydroPRO Software

NavEdit is the graphical data visualization and cleaning tool that allows you to edit depth-related data such as recorded depth, heave, and tide. It is the link between the Navigation and Processing software components. This software developed too graphically and textually displays depth, heave, tide, and position information that has been acquired by the Navigation software. The NavEdit software creates an export file that can be imported directly into the Processing software

NavEdit is capable to provides hydrographic surveyors with the ability to view and edit depth and position data as well as the ability to edit individual depth and heave values. This program also able to plan View Map to provide graphically display the positional information and a Tide Editor tool that is used to create Tide files 

Once all the depth, heave, and position data has been checked and edited, the data is ready to be exported to the Processing software for final presentation and analysis.

Download Link :

NavEdit @ HydroPRO

Procedure and Manual Guide :

NavEdit Manual

Data Processing using Civil Design and Survey (CDS) Software

Civil Design and Survey (CDS) software is developed by Foresoft Pty Ltd Australia which consists of a suite of powerful design modules that interact seamlessly with the advanced digital terrain modelling and industrial strength CAD engines. It also gives you advanced design features and functionality to design roads, earthworks, sewer, stormwater and water networks. Together the modules combine to form an integrated design platform for civil engineering infrastructure as well as data gathering, drawing, and surface modelling.

CDS has been in use for over 15 years, that standard use as custom database. CDS Premium allows for future expansion as well as allowing to ‘add value’ by using common available tools such as Microsoft Access. CDS also incorporates a new display method in providing dynamic zoom and pan which is necessary to view larger data sets easily. It also make design of multiple road easier. Other than that, CAD also allow future add ons and enhancements.

CDS consist of tools that can design in 2 or 3 dimensional layer. In 2D arrangement are used in housing subdivision and industrial estates while roads and other facilities are designed in 3D. other than that, 3D design in CDS lets us combine individual point calculation at grade, string grading include vertical curves and templates with ‘ezi-sense’ that change ground conditions according to specific parameters. 

CDS also allow us to produce plats, subdivision layouts, annotated contour plans, profiles and section drawings directly to any Windows printing device. In addition, CDS also can insert borders, text, and symbols onto the plan within Ezicad before printing. We can also create a DWG file for further enhancement in any compatible CAD package.

Download link :

Civil Design and Survey.exe (Trial 60 days)

CDS Manual and Guide :

  1. Manual T-Com and CDS Software
  2. Data Transfer and CDS Step-by-Step Guide
  3. Data Processing in CDS

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Geodetic Datum Transformation System (GDTS) - Hydrographic Surveying (GLS 614)

Geodetic system is a coordinate system, and a set of reference points, used to locate places on the earth. Datums are used in geodesy, navigation, and surveying by cartographers and satellite navigation systems to translate positions indicated on maps to their real position on earth. Each starts with an ellipsoid and then defines latitude, longitude and altitude coordinates. The difference in co-ordinates between datums is commonly referred to as datum shift. Because the Earth is an imperfect ellipsoid, localised datums can give a more accurate representation of the area of coverage.

   In surveying and geodesy, a datum is a reference system or an approximation of the Earth's surface against which positional measurements are made for computing locations. Horizontal datums are used for describing a point on the Earth's surface, in latitude and longitude or another coordinate system. Vertical datums are used to measure elevations or underwater depths. Generally, especially in survey life the coordinate system need to change especially we conduct a survey in different place with different coordinate system to match the data and to gain the good result.

Software Used :
  1. GDTS 4.1 
  2. GPSCAS 1.02

Our Report and Procedure :

Lab 4B Line Map Compilation, Orthorectification and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) - Advanced Photogrammetry (GLS 615)

The aim of this lab is to produce a Orthophoto Images and a Line Map by using a DEM concept. Orthophotographs are photographic images constructed from vertical or near-vertical aerial photographs, such that the effects of central perspective, relief displacement, and tilt are (practically) removed. Orthophoto can be obtained by resampling aerial image with fiducial marks. It can be used as base map because it has all the original features in the image. Plus, orthophoto also can be used to measure true distance of features within the image. Orthophoto in digital can be generates using images from aerial and space borne sensors. Orthophoto is used for it increased availability of digital data, easier acquisition of input data, powerful computers that can store data and increased of demand of up to date maps.

Software used:


My report and procedure:

  1. Lab 4b Line Map Compilation, Orthorectification and DEM
  2. Line Map
  3. Digital Elevation Model

Advanced Cadastral Surveying (GLS 559) Syllabus Notes

This syllabus cover the topics from control survey for cadastral work, strata title survey, stratum title survey, Marine cadastre, Licensed Land Surveyors Act 1958 (Act 458) & Licensed Land Survey Regulations 2011, Cadastral System (including e-cadastre), Director General of Survey and Mapping Circulars and current issues in cadastre.

Lecture notes: 

  1. Cadastral Concept
  2. e-Cadastral
  3. Strata Title Survey
  4. Building and Common Property Act
  5. Types of Measurement in Strata Scheme
  6. Strata Plan
  7. Unit Share
  8. Stratum
  9. Marine Cadastral Concept
  10. Marine Cadastral
  11. Licensed Land Surveyor Act
  12. Survey Costing

Other References :
