Friday, 30 December 2016

Hydrographic Surveying Syllabus Notes - Hydrographic Surveying (GLS 614)

     Hydrography focuses on the measurement of physical characteristics of waters and conditions of navigable waters and adjoining coastal areas, including oceans, rivers, and lakes. It involves geodesy, physical oceanography, marine geology, geophysics, photogrammetry (in coastal areas), remote sensing, and marine cartography. Basic parameters observed during a hydrographic survey are time, geographic position, depth of water, and bottom type. However, observation, analysis, and prediction of tides and currents area are also normally included in order to reduce depth measurements to a common vertical datum. A principal objective of hydrography is to provide for safe navigation and protection of the marine environment through the production of up-to-date nautical charts and related publications.

Lecture Notes :

Sunday, 25 December 2016

Tutorial Exercise - Advanced Photogrammetry (GLS 615)

    This tutorial exercises are associated with the Advanced Photogrammetry syllabus. This tutorial exercises will give more understanding on how photogrammetric surveying works. Additionally, it covers all the concept of photogrammetric fundamentals, including the calculation related to the land surveying for example land area calculation, elevation differences above datum, and Geography coordinate system.

Tutorial :
  1. Tutorial 1
  2. Tutorial 1B
  3. Tutorial 2A
  4. Tutorial 2B
  5. Tutorial 2C
  6. Tutorial 2D
  7. Tutorial 2E
  8. Tutorial 3A and 3B
  9. Tutorial 4
  10. Tutorial 5
  11. Tutorial 5B
  12. Tutorial 6
  13. Tutorial 7

Notes and References :

Adjustment Computations Syllabus Notes - Adjustment Computations (GLS 610)

    Adjustment is a process of making measured values of a quantity more accurate before they are used in the computation for the determination of points point that are associated with the measurement. It is also a operation of distributing of errors(random) in measurement or observation so that they conform to certain geometrical conditions such as misclosure. Additionally,It is important for surveyors to recognize errors, eliminate as many errors as possible, and apply adjustment for errors that cannot be eliminated.

Notes :
  1. Lecture 1 - Introduction to Adjustment Computation
  2. Lecture 2 - Theory of Random Error
  3. Lecture 3 - Random Errors in Angle and Distance Observations
  4. Lecture 4 - Analysis of Indirect Observations
  5. Lecture 5 - Samples
  6. Lecture 6 - Weight of Observations
  7. Lecture 7 - Adjustment of Elevation Differences (Leveling)
  8. Lecture 7 - Solution of Leveling Adjustment
  9. Lecture 8 - Adjustment of GPS Observations
  10. Lecture 9 - Adjustment Using Non-Linear Functions
  11. Lecture 9 - Standard Deviation of Observations

Lab 5 Close Range Photogrammetry - Advanced Photogrammetry (GLS 615)

  Close-range photogrammetry is another type of photogrammetric data collection and processing where the subject is less than 300 meter. Collection method can be both ground or aerial-based and the final output can be performed either two or three dimensionally. The close-range photogrammetry relies on the reconstruction of the object simultaneously from several images from different and possible perspective to ensure a suitable geometry of intersecting rays. Photogrammetric would be useful if the object to be measured is inaccessible or difficult of access. Second, the object is very small. Third, when it is not certain at the time of measurement and what measures are required. There are many types of application used in close-range photogrammetry, one of them is to preserve cultural heritage.

Software Used :


My Report and Procedure of Close-Range Photogrammetry lab :

Lab 2 Land Surface Temperature Mapping - Marine Resource Management (GLS617)

    Land surface temperature (LST) is referred to climatological and environmental studies. This lab showing the state of the science of land surface temperature (LST) estimates from remote sensing platforms, models and in site approaches. LST is an important climate variable, related to surface energy balance and the integrated thermal state of the atmosphere within the planetary boundary layer (Jin 1996). Traditionally, LST was referred to standard surface-air temperature measured by sheltered thermometer above a flat on earthly surface. With satellite technology, satellite-based surface temperature called skin temperature, is become available globally (Dickinson 1994). Satellite LST products provide an estimate of the kinetic temperature of the earth’s surface. LST is a parameter in land surface process, not only acting as an indicator of climate change, but also due to its control of the upward air space radiation and the control of the surface temperature and the heat within the atmosphere.

Software Used :

  • ERDAS Imagine 2013
  • ArcGIS 10.4

Manual and Procedure :

Video Tutorial Estimating LST Mapping Using ArcGIS :

My LST Mapping Procedure and Report :

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Geographic Information System (GLS613) Syllabus Notes

This course will allow the student to expand their knowledge of Geographic Information System (GIS) concept, principles and basic terms associated with geographic information including technology, systems, science and studies. Furthermore, it develop efficiency on handling and manipulate leading GIS software and other respective software for data acquisition and processing. Communicate and explain ideas through the project proposal and presentation and respond and relate subject matter to the questions addressed.

Download Notes :
  1. Lecture 1 Introduction (What is GIS?)
  2. Lecture 2 GIS Data Models
  3. Lecture 3 Data Acquisition in GIS
  4. Lecture 4 Creating and Maintaining Databases
  5. Lecture 5 Spatial Data Editing
  6. Lecture 6 GIS Analysis

Practical Assignment :

Lab 1 Introduction to GIS Software - Geographic Information System (GLS 613)

This practical session intends to give brief overview and understanding of ArcGIS software and its component such as ArcCatalog and ArcMap. At the end of this session, it is hope that participant is able to perform some basic function of the software.Whether you use GIS in a project or multi user environment, you can use the three ArcGIS desktop applications-ArcCatalog, ArcMap, and ArcToolbox do your work. ArcCatalog is the application for managing your spatial data holdings, for managing your database designs, and for recording and viewing metadata. ArcMap is used for all mapping and editing tasks, as well as for map-based analysis. ArcToolbox is used for data conversion and geoprocessing.

Software Used :

ArcGIS 10.3

Procedure Manual:

Data Provide :

My Result :

Remote Sensing (GLS612) Syllabus Notes

This course introduces the students to the principles and developments of remote sensor systems, characteristics and interactions of electromagnetic radiation with the atmosphere and earth’s surface, digital image processing; applications in various disciplines. The course extends student’s knowledge on latest technology of remote sensing.

Remote sensing is the science (and to some extent, art) of acquiring information about the Earth's surface without actually being in contact with it. This is done by sensing and recording reflected or emitted energy and processing, analyzing, and applying that information".

Saturday, 10 December 2016

HydroPRO Nav V2.2

The HYDROpro Navigation software operates on Windows operating systems. It provides an easy to understand graphical interface and flexible configuration that enables immediate gain with minimal training. The software supports multiple sensor inputs, ranging from heading sensors to tide gauges and echosounders. Combined with Trimble’s DGPS, RTK, or Total Stations it provides precise 3D positioning in real-time.

The HYDROpro Navigation software uses advanced time-stamping techniques for precise data synchronization. All data is stored in a single Microsoft Access database file to allow for more efficient file management activities.

The software’s flexible operation provides multiple ‘steerby’ capability, allowing guidance of multiple vessels and offsets to multiple guidance objects such as targets, lines, or routes. Guidance between mobile vessels is available. Any number of vessels can be monitored from a single location or across a network. Background files can be displayed graphically to show position in relation to guidance objects, coastal features, and so on. All of the displays, including the Remote Helmsman display, are available on seperate screens throughout a vessel.

Download Link :

Installation Guide : 

  1. Unzip the file
  2. Under HydroPRO folder run Autorun.exe
  3. Click Install HydroPRO and Utilities

Manual Instruction :

Procedure and Work Flow :

Advanced Photogrammetry (GLS615) Syllabus Notes

This subject deals with digital photogrammetry, photogrammetric orientations, automatic point measurement, photogrammetric triangulation, generation of Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and orthoimages, photogrammetric project planning, and close range photogrammetry. At the end of the course, students should be able to: Manage the hardware and software operations in the digital photogrammetric workflow, analyze numerical and graphical data in a photogrammetric process and combine operations in photogrammetry to produce photogrammetric outputs.

Advanced Photogrammetry (GLS615) Notes :

  1. GLS615 Syllabus Content
  2. A Review of Photogrammetric Principles
  3. Digital Photogrammetry
  4. Generation of Digital Photogrammetric Images
  5. Photogrammetric Orientations
  6. Digital Image Matching
  7. Photogrammetric Triangulation
  8. Block Adjustments and Automatic Aerial Triangulation (AAT)
  9. Generation of Digital Terrain Models
  10. Generation of Digital Ortho-images
  11. Photogrammetric Project Planning
  12. Principle of Close Range Photogrammetry

Friday, 9 December 2016

Marine Resource Management (GLS617) Syllabus Notes

This course introduces the basic concepts of marine resources and management of marine environments, its complex interactions between flora and fauna ecosystem (i.e fisheries, coral reefs and mangrove forest), as well as marine resources inventory and management. Understanding of different marine resources will be explore further through understanding of various marine resources with appropriate technologies (such as Satellite Imagery Processing/Remote Sensing and GIS) which covers on several applications related to marine environments. This course will provides the understanding of concepts of resource management and be able to apply that understanding to marine resources. Furthermore, supposedly to describe the complexity and dynamic changes of marine environment related to marine resources such as fisheries, coral reefs ecosystem and mangrove forest. Lastly, it capable to employ appropriate skills with the use of remote sensing digital image processing software in the extraction of information related to marine resources applications from remote sensing data.

Lab 3 Ground Control Point - Advanced Photogrammetry (GLS615)

Ground control points are used in conjunction with GPS data collected during the flight to increase the accuracy of the area being surveyed. By creating visible attributes within the area being flown and knowing an accurate GPS coordinate on these attributes, aerial photography is able to take this information and create a survey grade map. A great example of how much time and money can be saved by using photogrammetry and GCP’s as a replacement for standard surveying techniques. GCP's are a great way to increase the accuracy of any map that uses aerial captured images.

Post-marked control uses points of natural detail or physical markings on the image emulsion (Aerotriangulation). Such points are visible on the photograph and can be uniquely and unambiguously defined. The point selection is made on the basis of the type of point, that is 3D, horizontal or height.

My Report and Ground Control Point selection :

Strata Survey - Advanced Cadastral Surveying (GLS 559)

Strata title is a subdivision of building or land into parcels and issue of separate title for each of the parcel (unit) such as condominiums, commercial complex, and multi-purpose complex. When there has two or more storey on alienated land held as one lot under Final Title into parcel each to be held under a separate Strata Title. In other words, it also define as subdivision of building issue of separates titles under Strata Titles Act (STA) 1985 for each of the parcel in the building which has two and more storey.

Software Used :

AutoCAD 2007

Our Report and Drawing Plan :

Deformation Survey - Advanced Engineering Surveying (GLS 558)

   Deformation survey or deformation monitoring is defined as the systematic measurement and tracking of the alteration in the shape or dimensions of an object as a result of stresses induced by applied loads. The causes for deformation survey are changes in the bedrock, increase or decrease weight, changes of the material properties or outside influences. Deformation survey has the technique, calculation and instrument needed to monitor those structures. There are three types of monitoring uses to monitor structure. They are permanent monitoring, semi – permanent monitoring and epoch monitoring . Permanent monitoring is a long term of monitoring or continuous monitoring. Its required permanent observation of a structure using permanently installed instruments with recording facilities. Semi – permanent monitoring is identical to permanent monitoring but differs in intervals between recordings. Epoch monitoring uses geodetic or photogrammetric methods to determine the relative and or absolute positions of object that being motorize in time. The purpose of deformation survey is to ensure that whether there are movements taking place on the monitor structure and is it still safe to be used.

Software Used :

Star*Net software 

Our Deformation Survey Report :

Resurvey Lot Using Title Survey Module (TSM) - Advanced Cadastral Surveying (GLS559)

Resurvey is a term used when a cadastral survey is carry out on a previously surveyed lot. Reasons for resurvey are to upgrade the quality of previous survey, to re-establish the position of missing boundary marks, to meet the requirement of Sec 353 NLC – natural boundary and boundary dispute etc. A resurvey is a reconstruction of land boundaries and subdivisions accomplished by rerunning re- marking the lines represented in the field-note record or on the plat of a previous official survey. The field-note record of the resurvey includes a description of the technical manner in which the resurvey was made, full reference to recovered evidence of the previous survey or surveys, and a complete description of the work performed and monuments established. The resurvey, like an original survey, is subject to approval of the directing authority. Actions that can be taken in resurvey are new lot number will be allocated, missing or out of position marks are to be replaced or refixed and new Certified Plan to be drawn.

Software Used :

TSM Module

TSM Module Manual :

Our Report and Certified Plan :

Manual to Title Survey Module (TSM) - Advanced Cadastral Surveying (GLS559)

Title Survey Module (TSM) is the one programming that we use to gather the cadastral field information. This product comprises of a couple module and equipment. This product created to meet the necessity of cadastral survey. As we probably aware, the cadastral survey in Malaysia has developed quickly. The fundamental of this product is MapInfo programming where it has been altered for use on Tablet PCs, Flash Card GPS and Total Station. TSM utilizes started in 2002 when the Department of Survey and Mapping actualized the "field to finish" or F2F. TSM is utilized to gather survey data information in the field completely automated. No longer utilizing a manual booking. Perfect with the idea of F2F which is the title survey framework is a coordinated automatic to the final output without causing a considerable measure of redundancy in the work. At the point when utilizing the TSM, the error will minimize. This product is likewise deliberately on the grounds that all the survey data information will be recorded. The procedure of works additionally we can see unmistakably on the grounds that every one of the information has been noted time and date. No mistakes should be possible by the surveyor.

Manual on Toughbook and Title Survey Module :

  1. Toughbook Care Guide
  2. Introduction to Toughbook and TSM
  3. Topo Detail Observation and Offset
  4. Processing Data
  5. Base Line Computation
  6. Issue in TSM Traverse
  7. Manual C and M Correction in TSM
  8. Folder System in TSM
  9. No Mark Postion

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Assignment 2 Close Range Photogrammetry Application - Advanced Photogrammetry (GLS 615)

Close-range photogrammetry is meant to be when the distance from the camera to the object of interest can be from 1 to 300 meter. The close-range photogrammetry relies on the reconstruction of the object simultaneously from several images from different and possible perspective to ensure a suitable geometry of intersecting rays. Photogrammetric would be useful if the object to be measured is inaccessible or difficult of access. Second, the object is very small. Third, when it is not certain at the time of measurement and what measures are required. They are many types of application that are among the most important in close range Photogrammetry.

Download Link :

My Assignment 2 

Assignment 1 Camera Calibration - Advanced Photogrammetry (GLS 615)

Camera calibration is very important before start a photogrammetry works, one of the importance is to determine its precise and accurate values for a number of constant. Therefore, accurate spatial information can be determined from photographs. There are 3 types of technique of camera calibration in photogrammetry and several type of output parameter after the camera has been calibrated.

Technique of Camera Calibration :-

1. Laboratory Method
2. Stellar Calibration Method
3. Field Calibration Method

Output Parameter :-

1. Tangential lens distortion
2. Calibrated Focal Length
3. Radial Lens Distortion
4. Principal point
5. Affinity

My Assignment and Report :

Assignment 2 The Basic Principle of LiDAR Bathymetry - Hydrographic Surveying (GLS614)

LiDAR is a Light Detection and Ranging is an optical remote sensing technology that can measure the distance to, or other properties of target by illuminating the target with light using a pulse from a laser. It uses shorter wavelength of EM-spectrum uses to measure properties of scattered light. LIDAR technology has application in many geographic sciences as well as in laser altimetry and LIDAR Contour Mapping. In hydrography, Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry (ALB) has become a conventional method to measure both the topography and bathymetry of nearshore coastal waters and lakes from a low-altitude aircraft using a scanning, pulsed laser beam.

My Assignment File :

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Assignment 1 Remote Sensing Technique in Mangrove Monitoring - Marine Resource Management (GLS 617)

Mangrove forests in Peninsular Malaysia are found mainly on the sheltered coasts, estuaries, rives and some near-shore islands. Mangrove forests support a variety range of animals and plants and are repositories for a vast array of biological diversity. The importance of mangrove forests in providing invaluable goods and services both in economics and environmental terms are well understood and documented. Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia (FDPM) has been preserving with current issues at the national, regional and international level in managing the mangrove forests. FDPM is fully committed to the implementation of the sustainable forest management practices and in line with current requirements such as climate change, conservation of biological diversity and natural disaster including tsunami, that have made the forestry profession becoming more crucial.

Remote sensing technology has been applied in various ways to characterize mangrove ecosystems. Some of the documented applications include mapping the areal extent, detecting individual species, and providing estimates of structure and parameters such as leaf area, canopy height, and biomass. The main motivation for the characterization of these ecosystems is to monitor and manage them. Generally, all the remote sensing application in mangrove ecosystems can be categorized into three broad areas. These broad categories 9 have been identified as resource inventory; change detection; and selection and inventory of aquaculture sites.

My Assignment 1 :

What is Big Data? - Geographic Information System (GLS613)

Big data are “data sets that are so big they cannot be handled efficiently by common database management systems” (Dasgupta,2013). In other word, it also can be defined as the collection of data so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process the database into the application or tools.

In our daily lives, simple activity like listening to digital music, reading an e-book even browsing on your smart phone are now generating data which leaving a digital trace (data) and can be use and analyze from the data. In surveying concept, the Big Data can be formed from the GPS devices, Satellite remote sensing, LiDAR, Aerial Surveying, Hydrographic surveying and etc. As the modern concept of surveying method is created, the larger the data published from one survey works.

Dev C++ 5.11

Bloodshed Dev-C++ is a full-featured Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the C/C++ programming language. It uses Mingw port of GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) as it's compiler. Dev-C++ can also be used in combination with Cygwin or any other GCC based compiler.

Features are :

- Support GCC-based compilers
- Integrated debugging (using GDB)
- Project Manager
- Customizable syntax highlighting editor
- Class Browser
- Code Completion
- Function listing
- Profiling support
- Quickly create Windows, console, static libraries and DLLs
- Support of templates for creating your own project types
- Makefile creation
- Edit and compile Resource files
- Tool Manager
- Print support
- Find and replace facilities
- CVS support

Download Link :

Lab 5 ArcGIS Online and GIS Cloud - Geographic Information System (GLS613)

   ArcGIS Online is a cloud base mapping platform where the user capable of access to dynamic, authoritative content to create, collaborate, catalog and share maps, data and application with each other or through public. Through ArcGIS Online, the users can gain a private access to the secure ESRI cloud, which is scalable and ready to use. ArcGIS requires no additional hardware or software and is available through a subscription.

    GIS Cloud is the first purely web based GIS powered by cloud computing. It provides full desktop GIS features enriched by the web. GIS Cloud offers easy and efficient visualization, analysis and exploration of geographic information. The goals of the GIS Cloud platform are to simplify exchange of geographical information between users and offer an easy way to analyze the information regardless of the location of its users. GIS Cloud Mobile Data Collection is a tool for web and mobile devices which allow you to collect data in real time, with custom designed forms, work in offline mode and more. Collect field data and conduct field surveys faster and easier than ever before. Simply sign in with your GIS Cloud account (or sign up for free) and send collected data directly to your GIS Cloud app in the cloud.

Home Page :

Download Link 

Application Used :

User Manual :

My Report and Procedure Lab 4 :
